السعودية تحرم أطفال الشيخ سعيد الغامدي من لقائه

للعام الثاني على التوالي، تستمر حكومة المملكة العربية السعودية، بمنع عائلة الدكتور الشيخ سعيد الغامدي

Saudi Arabia has prevented five children from seeing their fatherfor one year

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continues to prevent five children and their

قرار حكومة النمسا بإغلاق مركز الملك عبدالله لحوار الأديان على خلفية نية السعودية إعدام الطفل مرتجى قريريص

تعتزم الحكومة النمساوية إغلاق مركز الملك عبد الله بن عبد العزيز العالمي للحوار بين الأديان

Fourteen minors executed or under threat of death during King Salman and his son’s reign

King Salman and his son’s reign have resulted in an escalation in executions.

Saudi Arabia wants to crucify minor Murtaja Qureiris for charges dating back to when he was 11

In September 2018, amid Saudi Arabia’s use of the death penalty to eliminate

Saudi Arabia must investigate transparent the allegations of recurrent sexual abuse of children at Social Observation Home

The European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights (ESOHR) has received a complaint

Six minors beheaded in Saudi execution spree

In what can only be described as a state killing spree, on the 23rd of April 2019,