ESOHR at the Regional Congress on the Death Penalty: The Justice System in Saudi Arabia Perpetuates Violations

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights participated in a symposium within the framework

ESOHR and Reprieve before the Human Rights Council: Saudi violations require clear actions

The legal director of the European Saudi Organization for Human Rights, Taha Alhajji,

NGOs in a letter to Macron: Receiving bin Salman hides Saudi Arabia's bad record and encourages more crimes

10 non-governmental organizations considered that French President Emmanuel Macron's reception

Secrecy: a weapon that increases Saudi Arabia's arbitrariness in the death penalty

The violations that accompany the death penalty in Saudi Arabia combine to make it an arbitrary

In contempt for international opinions and laws: Saudi Arabia kills Jaafar Sultan and Sadeq Thamer.

On May 29, 2023, Saudi Arabia executed the two Bahrainis, Jaafar Muhammad Sultan, and Sadiq Majeed Thamer,

The mass execution of three people on non-serious charges increases fears for the lives of those threatened

On May 22, 2023, the Ministry of Interior in Saudi Arabia issued a statement indicating that 3 people in the

A study on the execution of Indians in the Middle East shows Saudi violations and confirms the discrepancy in the numbers

A study published by the Indian organization Project 39A revealed contradictory figures published by the

United Nations experts ask Saudi Arabia about death sentences against minors and its body withholding policy

United Nations experts confirmed that any execution that Saudi Arabia may carry out in violation of international laws,