A study on the execution of Indians in the Middle East shows Saudi violations and confirms the discrepancy in the numbers

A study published by the Indian organization Project 39A revealed contradictory figures published by the

United Nations experts ask Saudi Arabia about death sentences against minors and its body withholding policy

United Nations experts confirmed that any execution that Saudi Arabia may carry out in violation of international laws,

The Specialized Criminal Court Examines Arbitrary Sentences: Death Sentences Against 6 Detainees on Non-Serious Charges

6 detainees in Saudi Arabia are facing the risk of being killed after the Specialized Criminal Court of Appeal

United Nations experts express their concern over the execution of NEOM detainees and warn companies and countries against contributing to the violations

7 United Nations experts have expressed their concern for the lives of three members of the al-Huwaitat tribe,

Saudi Arabia sentenced the minor Sajjad Al Yassin to 70 years

The Court of Appeal of Saudi Arabia approved the sentence to imprison the minor, Sajjad al-Yassin,

In denial and deception: Saudi Arabia responds to the message of the rapporteurs regarding the case of the minor Youssef Al-Manasif.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia repeated its allegations and justifications in its response to a letter

Saudi Arabia breaks its prohibitions and executes during Ramadan for the first time

In an unprecedented bloody step, Saudi Arabia executed a citizen during Ramadan.

Before the Human Rights Council: Lawyer al- Hajji asserts Saudi Arabia’s neglect of its promises and global views

The legal director of the European Saudi Organization for Human Rights, Taha al- Hajji confirmed that,

Denmark Condemns Saudi Arabia's Use of Execution and Torture

Denmark highlighted human rights violations by Saudi Arabia before the Human Rights Council.

Norway Calls On Saudi Arabia To Give Its Citizens Their Right Of Expression

Norway called on Saudi Arabia to give its citizens the right to express opinions and communicate.