Ali al-Subaiti is the youngest person to be threatened with the death penalty in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia sentenced the minor Ali Hassan Al-Subaiti to Taazir death punishment, to be added to a list of 7

In a Letter to the New High Commissioner: Organisations Warn of Saudi Arabia Carrying Out a New Massacre of Executions and Demand That He Take Action.

Non-governmental organizations have sent a letter to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk,

After Promises of Amnesty: Saudi Arabia Rules to Kill Muhammad Labad

The Specialized Criminal Court in Saudi Arabia sentenced the detainee, Muhammad Hassan Labbad (April 6, 1988),

1,000 Executions During the Reign of Salman

On 31 October 2022, Saudi Arabia implemented the 1,000th sentence under King Salman bin Abdulaziz,

Fears grow for Saudi detainees awaiting trial or sentencing, following wave of 30-year-plus prison terms

In light of the unprecedented jail sentences recently issued against peaceful activists and others in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh Season 2022: Violations “Beyond Imagination”

October 21, 2022, in light of the issuance and approval of death sentences against dozens, including minors,

Under the Ashes of Repression: Saudi Arabia is Trying to Hide Poverty

Under the title Dignity for All, the world commemorates October 17, 2022, the International Day

The Public Prosecution Calls for the Killing of the Minor Jawad Qureiris

Saudi Arabia threatens the life of Jawad Qureiris with charges that occurred while he was a minor. This brings

On the International Day Against It: Torture and Abuses accompany the Death Penalty in Saudi Arabia

The world celebrates the twentieth session of the World Day Against the Death Penalty on October 10,

ESOHR in a letter to German parliamentarians: The visits are a cover for Saudi violations

In conjunction with the visit of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Saudi Arabia, on Saturday 24 September 2022,