Disappearances, Arbitrary Arrests, and Sentences: An Continuous Campaign Against Women in Saudi Arabia

In recent years, there has been a radical shift in the way Saudi Arabia deals with women. Despite

14 NGOs in a letter to embassies: Saudi Arabia must reveal the whereabouts and fate of al-Qahtani

The European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights, along with 13 other non-governmental organisations,

Saudi Ambassador to the United States Justifies Violations with Priorities for Reform

In her first official statement, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United States of America,

Saudi Arabia Sentences a Tunisian Nurse to 15 Years in Prison for Tweeting

Saudi Arabia continues to escalate sentences against individuals for freedom of expression. The Court of Appeals

Saudi Arabia rejects the Secretary-General's criticism of its revenge on collaborators with the United Nations

Saudi Arabia claimed that the individuals who were confirmed in the report of the Secretary-General of

Saudi Arabia is on the spy country list

The OHCHR report on the right to privacy in the digital age shows that Saudi Arabia and other countries are using

Freedom of the press in Saudi Arabia falls prey tomurder, arrest, and surveillance

From behind prison bars, and amid fear of retaliation and unfair laws, journalists

Bloody rise in Saudi Arabia: 122 executions in the first half of 2019

The Government of Saudi Arabia executed 122 people in the first half of 2019,