As Retaliation for His Refusal to Spy on Activists, Saudi Judicial System Sentenced to death the minor Dawood AlMarhoon

 The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) is deeply concerned

المملكة العربية السعودية: 90 عملية إعدام تفوق سجلها المشين لعام 2014

صرحت منظمة العفو الدولية أن المملكة العربية السعودية قد نفذت حتى اليوم ومنذ بداية العام

Fueling Sectarian and the Absence of Criminalize sectarian Law Led the Bombing of a Shiite Mosque in Saudi Arabia

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) condemns the causes

Human rights situation in Saudi Arabia in 2014

Instead of improving, the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia has steadily deteriorated

Inhumane Violations of the minor AlMdevr: Arbitrary Arrests and Harsh Time in Solitary Confinement

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) is concerned over the escalating