An International law expert issued a legal analysis of the issue of Issa Al-Nkhaiffi and confirms that it is a violation under the slogan of antiterrorism

6 March، 2018

A legal analysis that prepared by the international lawyer expert “Arthur Traldi”, has confirmed and raised serious concerns about the manner that used by Saudi Arabia authority while using the “anti-terrorism laws”, in prosecuting human rights defenders and political opponents.

The analysis was done by the international lawyer “Traldi”, who held several positions at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The analysis was based on the personal legal documents of Al-Nkhiffi case.

Mr. Arthur observed and noted serious violations and obvious legal errors in the procedures that were followed by the Specialized Criminal Court, especially when the accusations were directed by the Public Prosecution.

Mr. Arthur also, pointed out that most of the charges are belong to the exercise of the fundamental rights of opinion expression, but the Government had considered those activities within the framework of the terrorist act.

The analysis explains in detail the nature of the legal violations, and illustrates that the actions and the procedures that followed by the court have a clear violation of the most basic civil rights where the country must maintain.

Furthermore, the analysis shows the similarities between the trial of Al-Nkhiffi and other activists and human rights defenders.